New Patient Registration
When you first join our practice we will give you a registration pack to complete giving us details about your present and past health. The pack contains information about the practice, questionnaires relating to your health, information on setting up your medical record with the practice and information on setting up online services.
We also offer you an opportunity to see the nurse or Health Care Assistant within the next month for a health check (including height, weight, blood pressure test, urine checking, immunisation review, cervical smear status etc).
If you would like to register please visit the practice at either site to pick up a registration pack.
Upon registration at the practice you will be allocated a 'named GP' or 'accountable GP'. The role of this 'named GP' is to take responsibility for the co-ordiantion of all appropriate services and ensure they are delivered where required (based on the GP's clinical judgement) to each of their named patients. This does not mean you can only see that GP and can see any of the practice GPs for a consultation.
You can request to change your 'named GP' if you wish. Please ask the practice if you are unsure who is your 'named GP'.
The doctors welcome new patients who live within our practice area.
If you live within the Practice boundaries and wish to register, our reception staff will explain the procedure. The practice area now does not include most of the Wickersley area. Although we are not accepting patients from that area, any patient currently registered living there will be unaffected and can continue to be a patient of Dr Patel and partners.
Please contact reception for further information. Click this link to see if you are within the practice's catchment area
Practice Area